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Printing Equipment Cost Rates - Budgeted Hourly Rates


How to Calculate Printing Equipment Costs Per Hour?

What does it cost your company, on an hourly basis, to have equipment in your shop? Whether you have a press, a cutter, or a digital printer, learning how to calculate the cost-per-hour for each piece of equipment that your company owns and uses is a critical tool for understanding, and even eventually, recouping the actual cost of the equipment itself.


Most printers have a rough idea of these costs – but these days is a rough idea good enough? We don’t think so. Estimates that are off just a few dollars can cause you to lose valuable orders. Equipment cost-per-hour rates are calculated by adding together distinct pieces of information. The following examples show the information that goes into calculating printing or packaging equipment and services cost rates.

You can use CostRatesAdvisor to calculate Budgeted Hourly Rates for any of the following:

Komori Press BHRs
Heidelberg Press BHRs
Goss Web Press BHRs
Harris Web Press BHRs
Mark Andy Flexo Press BHRs
Xerox Nuvera Digital Press BHRs
HP Indigo Digital Press BHRs
HP Scitex WF Press BHRs
EFI Vutek WF Press BHRs
Zund Flatbed Die Cutter BHRs
Bobst Die Cutter BHRs
Polar Cutter Folder BHRs
MBO Folder BHRs
Heidelberg Stitchmaster BHRs
Bell and Howell Inserter BHRs


Printing and Packaging Equipment and Services

prepress, design, proofing, sheetfed presses, web presses, flexographic presses, digital printers, large format printers, screen presses, high volume production printers, extrusion, inspection stations, rewinders, cutters, folders, stitchers, perfect binders, collators, folder gluers, die cutters, foil stamping, embossing, grommeting, sewing, cellophane windowing, film laminating, drills, shrink-wrapping, handwork, fulfillment, warehousing, hand assembly, kitting, packing, delivery…


Printing and Packaging Businesses and Processes

lithographic printing, digital printing, large format printing, flexographic printing, label printing, packaging, folding carton printing, corrugated printing, UV printing, newspapers, publication printing, POP printing, banner printing, sign printing, screen printing, rotogravure printing, in-plant operations, mailing, prepress trade, finishing trade, photography studio…


Printing and Packaging Equipment Manufactures

Adast, Advent, Akiyama, Amergraph., American Binding, APS Packaging Systems, ATF Davidson, Atlantic Zeiser, B&R Moll, Baum, Belco Packaging Systems, Brackett, Brandtjen & Kluge, C.P. Bourg, Canon, Challenge Machinery, Craftsmen Machinery, D&K Group, Danka Office Imaging, Duplo, Dupont Imaging Technologies, Durst Imaging Technology, Dynaric, Eastman Kodak Digital Printing Solutions, Enovation Graphic Systems, Epson America,, Escher-Grad Technologies, Flexo-Printing Equipment Corp., FMC Technologies, FME, Foster Manufacturing, Fuji, GBR Systems Corp., General Graphic, Graphic Laminating, Graphic Systems Services, Halm Industries, Hamada, Heath Custom Press, Heidelberg, HP, ISP Stitching & Bindery Products, James Burn International, Kansa Technology LLC, KBA North America, King Press, Kirk-Rudy, Komori America Corp., Ko-Pack International, Lassco-Wizer, Latran Technologies, LDR International, Magnum Manufacturing, manroland USA, Manugraph Americas, Mark Andy, MBM Corp., MBO, Microtek, Miller, Mitsubishi, Mohr, Muller Martini Corp., Multifeeder Technology, Mutoh Americas, Nilpeter USA, Oce North America, Paper Converting Machine, Perfecta, Planeta, Powis Parker, Presstek, Printware, Profold, Pro-Graphics, Propheteer, Punch Graphix Americas, PVC Spiral Supply, Renz America, RG Engineering, RISO, Rosback, Ryobi MHI, Sakurai USA, Schaefer Machine, Seal-O-Matic Corp., Shinohara USA, Solna Americas, Spiel Associates, Spiral Binding, Spiralcoil, Standard Finishing Systems, Staplex, Stevens International, Super Web, Timsons, United Graphic Systems, Web Press Corp., WinAmerica, Xante, Xeikon, Xerox, xpedx



Printing and Packaging Estimating and Costing Software

Accura MIS

Avanti Slingshot

Enterprise Print Management Solutions (EPMS)

ePS EFI Monarch

ePS EFI Pace

ePS EFI PrintSmith Vision

ePS EFI Radius

PressWise SmartSoft

Printreach Midnight

Printreach Printer's Plan

Printers Software Inc


Programmed Solutions (PSI)

Tharstern Print MIS

And more...



Learn how to calculate the cost of your equipment.

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